Monday, March 1, 2010


I got rid of my facebook today.

Treynor and I recorded a song yesterday.
it turned out really neat! check 'er out here.

Treynor made my piano sound really magical and did some back up vocals and stuff and it just is nicely recorded in comparison to all of the other stuff I have done.
it took a long time, but it was definitely rewarding.
I am thinking about making my myspace profile neat looking and stuff, but then again, I'm not sure that I care enough.
or maybe I think I'm just trying to simplify my life and I just like keeping things simple.

I am looking forward to the saxophone recital next wednesday being done with.

I am also looking forward to Treynor and I's show on thursday.
it's going to be rad because A Sunny Day in Glasgow is suuuuuuper excellent.

here they are looking super fly.

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